
On a fine day in Moremi, Botswana, 2025

— "If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders.” - Walt Whitman

From a fairly early age, I've had an acute awareness of all there is to see out there. Even as far back as grade school, I would turn from the grainy black-and-white routine of the classroom to peer out the window, endlessly day-dreaming in vivid Technicolor of exotic “lands remote.”

Today, with all the gnashing of teeth such wayward meanderings would surely cause, I'd probably be put on a bunker-buster dosage of Ritalin.

Through the years, as my constant yearnings to get out there have continued to rub up against the inescapable demands of daily life, that restless sense of adventure has indeed been something of a curse. - But, it’s also turned out to be much more of a blessing; one which has spurred me to travel to many magically beautiful dreamed-of places.

The misty light of alpenglow over a snow-covered mountain summit, the breathless thrill of seeing a lion make a kill on the Serengeti, even the solitude found in the oceanic expanses of the Australian outback, all somehow become part of you. I will always be thankful for being able to make such unforgettable, soul-nourishing scenes a part of my life.

My online gallery of photographs will be revised from time to time following various trips. I hope you will check in every now and then. - Scott  

*Also, please refer to the Facebook page, “Scott Shelton,” (Arlington, VA) for an assorted collection of photographs, videos and travel pieces, many of which do not appear on this website.